We invite you to read the stories of these families in dire situations. We hope that these accounts will inspire you to sponsor a family or to donate money. Any donation can help.
The Coc Sub Family
Years ago, Feliza Coc Sub’s husband abandoned her and their two daughters. Feliza is now in charge of providing for herself and her two daughters and her elderly parents. Beginning early in the morning, Feliza washes neighbor’s clothes and then moves on to selling firewood by the afternoon. This survival hunt does not leave Feliza time to recover from the stomach problems and nausea that have troubled her and her mother for a long time. Feliza’s sole concern is for the well-being of her daughters. The Coc Sub family is in desperate need of food supplies and home improvements for their house.

Daughter Kimberly
Kimberly overcame malnutrition and parasites just a few months ago. Kimberly, now seven years old, is a good student and wishes to finish her studies to find a good job and eventually, support her family.
You can sponsor the Coc Sub family for $100/month, $1200/year, or whatever amount you can give by clicking the donate button below. Please leave a note in the PayPal comments section with this family’s name.
The Choch Sub Family

Six years ago a bus hit a truck bearing 20 workmen. All 20 of the workmen died, Beverly’s father included. Beverly and her six siblings live alone with their mother. Beverly’s mother leaves the house at 5 AM every morning to find income for her kids by selling tamales or washing clothes. The older siblings, Luis and Laura, gave up studies to take care of the house and work. Luis and Laura’s sacrifice allowed the younger siblings to go to school for the first six years of their education. The Choch Subs family is in need of food, clothes, a new roof, and education.
Daughter Beverly
The chaos surrounding her father’s death caused Beverly to become very malnourished. Beverly is celebrating six years of life and is on her way to becoming healthy.
You can sponsor the Choch Sub family for $100/month, $1200/year, or whatever amount you can give by clicking the donate button below. Please leave a note in the PayPal comments section with this family’s name.
The Col Poou Family
The price of earning a meager income to provide for this family requires Brenda’s father to travel hundreds of kilometers in the back of an open truck to work on a palm plantation. He often doesn’t see his family for months. Meanwhile, his three children and their mother have to wait for an unknown length of time with no money until their father returns. The Col Poou family holds on the hope that their father will return safely with money to buy food and repair their rusty metal roof.

Daughter Brenda
The youngest of the Col Poous family is two-year-old Brenda. Brenda came to our Health and Nutrition Center extremely underweight last year. Because of her repeated lack of nutrients, she often gets the flu and a cough. With your help, Brenda can get the nutrients and medications she needs to be a happy, healthy little girl.
You can sponsor the Col Poou family for $100/month, $1200/year, or whatever amount you can give by clicking the donate button below. Please leave a note in the PayPal comments section with this family’s name.
The Caal Bol Family

Oscar Caal Bol does everything possible to stay close to his wife, Rubina, and their three beautiful daughters. However, the difficulty of finding a job in the area has brought them to a very poor standard of living. Oscar temporarily helps on nearby estates by picking coffee or cardamom. But, the pay meager pay is not enough to support a family. The Caal Bol family desperately needs to improve their house, buy furniture, and buy food supplies.
Daughter Roxana
First-grader Roxana is a happy girl who wants to keep studying. Luckily, her parents insist on her going to school, but the cost of school could prohibit access. Roxana would love to keep learning and going to school more than anything.
Help Roxana get an education and sponsor the Caal Bol family for $100/month, $1200/year, or whatever amount you can give by clicking the donate button below. Please leave a note in the PayPal comments section with this family’s name.
The Sagui Quim Family
One year ago, joy and tragedy came to the Sagui Quim family. At the same time little Ayda was born, her father succumbed to an undiagnosed illness — leaving Ayda and her five siblings alone with their mother. Rosa, the mother, does everything in her power to secure the wellbeing of her children. Rosa sells coffee and bananas to support her family, but that is not enough to maintain a stable income. The house the Saqui Quim family is currently living in needs a new roof, and the children need new clothes and soap to wash with. Despite the families needs, Rosa is grateful that her family is healthy.

Daughter Ayda
After fighting severe malnutrition and the chronic flu, one year old Ayda is stabilized. We want Ayda to stay healthy and continue to bring her mother happiness.
You can sponsor the Saqui Quim family for for $100/month, $1200/year, or whatever amount you can give by clicking the donate button below. Please leave a note in the PayPal comments section with this family’s name.
The Ich Family

The lack of work is a grave issue in the mountain village that is home to this family. Maria Ich takes care of her two children, six of her grandchildren, and one orphaned girl. Meanwhile, her two adult daughters work as nannies hundreds of miles away. All of the men of the house have abandoned them: her husband as well as the fathers of her grandchildren. Now, the family lives on roughly $50 a month. There are only two beds for 13 people and a roof that gives little protection — especially in the rainy season. Each day Maria wishes for a safe home and enough food for the children so that they may grow strong and healthy.
Son Jose
One-year-old Jose is extremely under weight. He has a weak immune system and is often sick. To improve his health, he and his family need good nutrition. Having access to medication and nutritious food would help Jose develop as a normal little boy should.
You can sponsor the Ich family for for $100/month, $1200/year, or whatever amount you can give by clicking the donate button below. Please leave a note in the PayPal comments section with this family’s name.
The Maquin Sub Family
The Maquin family went through a great tragedy two years ago. The wife and mother of five died during childbirth. In order to find work, the father often travels for several days at a time outside of their home village. He has to leave the children alone or under the supervision of their aunt, who has seven children of her own. The older Maquin children go to school or just stay at home, where there is a lack of clothing and food. Helping this family with basic supplies could greatly improve their quality of life.

Daughter Cristina
The youngest of the children, Cristina, was hospitalized with severe malnutrition and stomach parasites. Joining our Nutrition Program helped her recovery, but her future is unpredictable. She needs a healthy and secure environment to progress her health.
You can sponsor the Maquin Sub family for for $100/month, $1200/year, or whatever amount you can give by clicking the donate button below. Please leave a note in the PayPal comments section with this family’s name.
The Cucul Chub Family

The Cucul family’s story begins 2011 when Nataly was born with complications and sent to a regional hospital. Four months later, mother Paulina was told Nataly had died at the hospital. In 2018, after a fatal fire in a Guatemalan orphanage, the authorities arrived at the Cucul home and, to their surprise, returned their daughter. Looking after little Nataly proves to be a challenge because she is disabled and does not speak Q’eqchi’ (the mother tongue of the family). With no fixed monthly income and another child on the way, the Cucul family would greatly appreciate any amount of support.
Daughter Nataly
Nataly came to our Health and Nutrition Center last year severely underweight at the age of 7. With your help, the Cucul family would be able to send Nataly to school and provide her with the proper healthcare she needs.
You can sponsor the Cucul Chub family for $100/month, $1200/year, or whatever amount you can give by clicking the donate button below. Please leave a note in the PayPal comments section with this family’s name.
The Maquin Family
Adela Maquin gets up everyday at 2:30 AM to prepare tamales to sell. This work earns all the family’s income of $35 per month. With the money Adela earns, she takes care of her daughter, her mother, and herself. Adela’s husband left her, along with two other children. Adela is constantly worried about being able to pay her $13 rent for a one room dwelling. The Maquin women wish for a home that no-one can take away from them, and a place where they can raise hens to provide eggs.

Daughter Angela
Angela, five, came to our Health and Nutrition Center with severe malnutrition. She needs to stay at a healthy weight and live in improved conditions with basic needs, such as clothing. Your donation will provide necessities to help Angela live a happier life.
You can sponsor the Maquin family for $100/month, $1200/year, or whatever amount you can give by clicking the donate button below. Please leave a note in the PayPal comments section with this family’s name.
The Botzoc Family

Three years ago, Margarita and Alejandro decided to provide a home for little Silvia. Her biological mother walked around the town of Senahu offering the baby to anyone who could take care of her. Sixty-year-old Alejandro is finding it difficult to cut and sell firewood for $3.25 a day. Margarita would love to provide more food for the family so that their small income can be used for clothes and a comfortable home for Silvia. This sweet family of three currently lives in one borrowed room and a kitchen.
Daughter Silvia
Silvia (4 years old) came to our Health and Nutrition Center suffering from severe malnutrition, diarrhea, and worms. With the care of her legally-adopted parents and your support, she will grow into a strong, independent woman.
You can sponsor the Botzoc family for $100/month, $1200/year, or whatever amount you can give by clicking the donate button below. Please leave a note in the PayPal comments section with this family’s name.